Day 248 of 366: Capturing Dawn's Serenity at Kiama's Coastal Pool

A Morning Worth Waking Up For

The anticipation of capturing a new day breaking is always exhilarating, particularly when the elements conspire to create a perfect scene. This morning, armed with my camera and driven by the promising forecast, I ventured to the coastal town of Kiama, known for its historic charm and natural beauty. My destination was the iconic ocean pool, a spot that never fails to inspire.

The Stillness of Dawn

Arriving in the twilight, I was greeted by an exceptional calm. The air was motionless, a rare condition that promised the stillness needed for perfect reflections. As I set up my equipment, the ambient lights around the pool unveiled the textured bottom, adding depth and intrigue to the composition. It was this interplay of light and shadow, of the seen and unseen, that I aimed to capture.

The Symphony of Light

Just before sunrise, the horizon began to blush with hues of pink and orange, signalling the impending arrival of the sun. The floodlights cast a strong glow on the water, enhancing the visibility of the pool’s bottom and accentuating the gradient from the deep blues to the shallows. I adjusted my settings, aiming to capture both the subtlety of the water’s texture and the dramatic change in colours.

Reflections in the Water

As the sun peeked over the horizon, it painted the sky in spectacular colours, reflected perfectly on the pool's glassy surface. The scene was surreal, almost as if two worlds existed simultaneously—sky above and its twin below. Capturing this moment, where the pool held the dawn as if cradling the morning’s first light, was both a challenge and a delight.

The Reward of Early Mornings

Photography often requires sacrifice, like the willingness to rise before dawn and greet the cold morning air. Yet, the rewards are immense. Today’s shoot at Kiama's pool not only offered stunning visual treasures but also a moment of peace and contemplation. Watching the day begin with such serenity was a poignant reminder of nature's quiet grandeur.

Sharing the Moment

These mornings renew my passion for photography and deepen my connection with the natural world. Sharing these images and experiences, I hope to inspire others to find their moment of peace at dawn, to witness the day wake with fresh eyes, and to treasure these quiet beginnings.


Day 249 of 366: A Sunset to Remember at Gerroa


Day 247 of 366: Capturing the Gentle Giants