Day 180 of 366: Light and Waves at Werri Beach

Seeking Serenity from Above:

This afternoon’s venture was a peaceful sortie back to Werri Beach, with my drone in tow, hoping to capture the tranquil sea from a bird’s eye view. The calmness of the ocean seemed promising for a whale sighting, yet the giants of the deep remained elusive today.

Capturing the Golden Hour:

Despite the absence of marine giants, the real spectacle was the light—a spectacular show in itself. As the sun began its descent behind the distant mountains, it bathed the landscape in a warm, golden glow that enhanced every texture and hue of the beach and water.

The Shot That Stood Out:

Among the various images captured, one stood out distinctly. It wasn’t the composition of the waves or the curve of the shoreline that caught my eye—it was the play of light across the water’s surface. The way the sunlight interacted with the subtle movements of the sea created a mesmerizing pattern, highlighted by a small wave cresting gently onto the sand.

The Art of Aerial Photography:

Today was a reminder of the unique perspectives and unexpected beauty that aerial photography offers. It allows us to see the familiar in new ways, and appreciate subtle details that might otherwise go unnoticed from the ground.

Reflecting on Nature’s Simplicity:

Sometimes, it’s not the dramatic encounters or the spectacular events that make a shoot memorable; it’s the simple, quiet moments that resonate the most. Today, it was the interplay of light and water that made the day significant.


Day 181 of 366: Dawn After the Aurora


Day 179 of 366: Dolphins at Werri Beach