Day 181 of 366: Dawn After the Aurora

Chasing the Sunrise After a Night of Lights:

Last night's skies were alight with the rare and mesmerizing glow of the aurora. The spectacle kept me awake well into the night, lost in the beauty and the thrill of capturing such an event. Though my plan had been to rise early and greet the sunrise, sleep took precedence until the brilliant colours of dawn beckoned.

Rushing Against the Dawn:

Waking late at 7 AM, the sky was already a canvas of vibrant hues—remnants of the sunrise I almost missed. Rushing out, I knew my drone was my best chance to salvage the morning’s beauty. As it lifted into the cooling air, I was determined to capture whatever splendour remained.

Crafting a Panoramic View:

With the drone soaring high, I decided on a panoramic shot that would embrace the expansive view over Gerringong’s rolling hills. The soft light of dawn kissed the crests of the hills, highlighting the lush greenery that stretched towards the sea.

In Lightroom’s Digital Darkroom:

Back at my workstation, I merged several images in Adobe Lightroom to create the panoramic view. This technique allowed me to capture not just a slice but the entire breathtaking scope of the morning’s grace. The panorama spread before me, offering a grander perspective of the landscape, enhancing the majesty that a single frame could not have contained.

Reflection on a Missed Beginning and a Beautiful Recovery:

Today was a poignant reminder that not all is lost when we miss the start; sometimes, the end is just as beautiful. The panorama I captured this morning, while not the initial burst of dawn, still held the awe-inspiring beauty of the world waking up.


Day 182 of 366: Embracing Simplicity on a Wintry Day


Day 180 of 366: Light and Waves at Werri Beach