Day 179 of 366: Dolphins at Werri Beach

A Welcome Home from the Sea:

Returning home always carries a special kind of joy, and today, that joy was accentuated by an unexpected welcome committee at Werri Beach. After spending time away in Cairns and briefly stopping in Sydney, nothing quite matches the comfort of familiar shores.

The Rush to Capture:

As I parked my car, a splash caught my eye—it was dolphins! In a rush of excitement, I scrambled to switch to my long lens, eager to capture these graceful creatures before they disappeared. Racing against time, I managed to set up on the rock platform just in time to snap a few precious moments.

The Lone Fin:

Among the few shots I took, one stood out: the elegant curve of a dolphin's dorsal fin cutting through the water's surface. It was a fleeting glimpse, but it captured the essence of the moment—serene, swift, and splendidly free. After the dolphins had moved on, I took a moment to reflect on the shot, adjusting the image back at home to highlight the fin’s delicate details against the deep blue of the sea.

Editing Backlog:

With the dolphin encounter now a cherished memory, it's time to dive into the backlog of images from Cairns. Each photo tells a story of the adventure and beauty I experienced there, and I'm eager to bring these stories to light.

Connecting with Nature:

Today’s encounter was a poignant reminder of the beauty that awaits in our own backyards—or in this case, our coastal waters. It’s moments like these that reignite our connection to nature and inspire continued exploration and appreciation.


Day 180 of 366: Light and Waves at Werri Beach


Day 178 of 366: An Aquatic Farewell in Cairns