Day 267 of 366: Serene Sunrise at Pheasant Point

Today's journey began in the quiet hours before dawn, stirred awake by the internal clock of dairy farmer. With the promise of a new day's light on the horizon, I ventured out to capture the serene beauty of Pheasant Point in Kiama.

Embracing the Stillness

Upon arrival, the conditions were unexpectedly tranquil. The tide was low, and the ocean was unusually calm, presenting a flat sea that barely whispered against the rocky shore. While a part of me longed for the dramatic swell that usually characterizes this seascape, the placid waters offered a unique opportunity to see this familiar spot in a new light.

The Labyrinth of Rocks

Pheasant Point is a geological wonder, known for its intricate maze of rock formations that look sculpted by the hands of time. The low tide revealed more of this rocky labyrinth than usual, allowing me to explore and photograph angles and details often swallowed by the sea. The soft glow of the rising sun painted the scene in warm hues, highlighting the rugged textures and shadows of the rocks.

Capturing Tranquillity

The challenge of the morning was not in capturing the raw power of nature, as it often is, but in appreciating and documenting its quiet moments. The calm sea allowed me to focus on the subtle interplay of light and shadow, and the stillness provided a meditative backdrop to my photographic endeavour.

A Reflective Morning

As the sun climbed higher, it cast a golden light over the landscape, turning the water into a mirror that reflected the fiery colours of the dawn sky. Standing there, camera in hand, I was reminded of the ever-changing nature of the world around us and the beauty that can be found in its quieter moments.


This morning's shoot at Pheasant Point was a reminder that every day brings new perspectives and possibilities, especially for those willing to rise early and greet the dawn. As I packed up my gear, the first rays of sunlight breaking over the horizon felt like nature's reward for my early start—a spectacular start to the day that was well worth the early alarm.


Day 268 of 366: Majestic Encounters at Boat Harbour


Day 266 of 366: Celebrating Spring with a Snapshot