Day 266 of 366: Celebrating Spring with a Snapshot

As the spring equinox heralds a season of rebirth and new beginnings, today marked a special milestone in my photography journey—just 100 days left in this year-long project. What better way to commemorate this pivot towards the conclusion than with a photograph that captures the essence of spring itself?

Chasing Silvereyes

The last few days have been a delightful challenge; I've been on a miniature safari in my own backyard, following the elusive silvereyes. These tiny birds, with their distinctive white eye rings and rapid movements, are a test of patience and skill for any photographer.

The Joy of the Hunt

Silvereyes move with a startling swiftness, flitting from one branch to another in what seems like a blur of motion. Their agility is their survival, darting into the thicket one moment and perching quietly the next, always a step ahead of both predators and the lens. Capturing them is as much about anticipation as it is about reaction.

The Perfect Moment

Today’s success came after many attempts over several days. Just as I was beginning to think I might not capture the shot I envisioned, one silvereye decided to grace me with a moment of stillness. Perched on a barren branch against a clear sky, it looked around—perhaps enjoying the calm as much as I. It was a fleeting moment, but long enough for me to capture it in all its glory.


This project has taught me many things, but one of the most important lessons has been about the beauty of persistence and the joy of finally achieving a long-sought goal. Today’s photo isn’t just a testament to the beauty of spring or the charm of silvereyes—it’s a celebration of the journey, the pursuit, and the moment of triumph.

Looking Ahead

As I count down the final 100 days, each shot brings with it a sense of accomplishment and a hint of bittersweet anticipation for the end of this beautiful project. I look forward to each day with excitement, ready to see what moments nature will offer me next.

Spring is a reminder that every ending is a precursor to a new beginning, and in every conclusion, there is a promise of renewal. So here's to the remaining days—may they be filled with as much beauty and discovery as the seasons themselves.


Day 267 of 366: Serene Sunrise at Pheasant Point


Day 265 of 366: Dawn Amongst the Palms at Black Beach