Day 185 of 366: Embracing Abstract Art with Intentional Camera Movement (ICM)

A Grey Day Inspires Creativity:

Today, faced with unrelenting dark grey skies and a personal creative slump, I decided to challenge myself with a technique I hadn't yet explored during this project—Intentional Camera Movement (ICM). This approach is quite a departure from my usual focus on sharp details and clear subjects.

Experimenting with ICM:

ICM is about capturing motion and blending colors and textures directly through the camera’s movement. It’s a method that lets you paint with your camera, using the environment as your palette. Initially, I aimed to photograph a lively fantail in flight, but the dim light proved uncooperative. Instead, I turned to experiment with the elements closer to home.

Technique and Setup:

Armed with my long lens, I started moving the camera during exposure to create various effects. I experimented around the house, testing different angles and speeds to see how the motion would affect the outcome of the images.

Capturing the Essence:

The image I chose to highlight today was an unexpected result of photographing the brickwork. The motion blurred the distinct lines of the bricks, transforming them into sweeping bands of color and texture. At first glance, it's abstract and almost unrecognizable, but as you continue to look, a pattern emerges, captivating in its simplicity and flow.


This exercise was a refreshing break from my typical photographic pursuits, reminding me that creativity can often be found in the least expected places. It’s about letting go of perfection and embracing the unpredictability of the process.


Day 186 of 366: Capturing the Essence of a Winter Afternoon


Day 184 of 366: Embracing the Drama of the Sea