Day 184 of 366: Embracing the Drama of the Sea

A Break in the Weather:

This morning's relentless rain paused long enough for me to grab my camera and venture out. By midday, despite the overcast sky, I sensed it was my best shot to capture something unique. So, I headed towards the north end of Werri Beach, a place that never fails to inspire with its rugged beauty.

Choosing a Different Perspective:

Usually, my trips to this spot are timed to catch the golden hues of sunrise or sunset. However, today was about embracing a different kind of light—a muted, sombre one that enhances the drama of the landscape in a whole new way.

The Setup:

I equipped my camera with a long lens, aiming to seize a perspective that diverges from my typical approach. My focus was on Red Bluff, a striking cliff that towers over the coastline, and the ferocious waves crashing against the rocky shore below it.

Capturing the Mood:

The dark, brooding skies served as a perfect backdrop, highlighting the sheer power and chaos of the waves. Each crash against the jagged rocks was a reminder of nature's untamed force. The scene was dramatically charged, with the elements combining to create a tableau that was both daunting and breathtaking.


Today's experience was a profound reminder of how changing weather can cast a familiar scene in a new light, bringing out hidden facets of beauty and strength. It's these moments of unexpected beauty that challenge and expand my skills as a photographer.


Day 185 of 366: Embracing Abstract Art with Intentional Camera Movement (ICM)


Day 183 of 366: A Mid-Journey Reflection and an Unexpected Subject