Day 243 of 366: Capturing the Majesty of a Sea Eagle at Gerroa

A Day of Misses and a Marvellous Hit

Today began under a brilliantly clear sky, a perfect canvas for an afternoon of unexpected wildlife encounters. My first stop was at Werri Beach, hopeful to capture the hundreds of dragonflies buzzing energetically above the water. Despite their fascinating manoeuvres, they proved too elusive, and my attempts to photograph them resulted only in a handful of blurry images.

Turning Fortune at Blackhead

Determined to make the most of the day, I then made my way to Blackhead in Gerroa. As if on cue, a whale breached magnificently off the headland. Regrettably, it was too distant to capture effectively with my lens. However, the day took a spectacular turn when a white-bellied sea eagle emerged from the rock platform below, soaring into the sky. This was the moment I had been waiting for.

In the Company of Eagles

Switching gears, I spent the next half-hour or so focused solely on this majestic bird. With my camera in hand, I tracked its graceful flight, captivated by the powerful strokes of its wings and the commanding presence it held against the sky. The sea eagle, with its keen eyes and impressive wingspan, made for a compelling subject, and I felt a rush of excitement with every snap of the shutter.

The Golden Shot

The photograph that stood out from today’s adventure shows the sea eagle gliding effortlessly, framed by the soft golden glow of the afternoon sun that lit up the hills in the background. This image wasn’t just a capture; it was a serendipitous orchestration of light, landscape, and wildlife—a reminder of why I pursue photography with such passion.

Reflecting on Nature's Gifts

Days like these reinforce the unpredictable beauty of nature photography. What started as a challenging day with missed opportunities ended with a beautiful showcase of nature’s splendour. Each outing teaches me patience and readiness—essential traits for capturing those fleeting moments that nature generously unveils.

As the sunset painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, I headed back, fulfilled by the day’s rewards and already anticipating the next adventure.


Day 244 of 366: Capturing the Fleeting Beauty of Wisteria


Day 242 of 366: A Serendipitous Discovery