Day 234 of 366: A Majestic Gum Tree and the Gentle Close of Day

Today marked the conclusion of my exhibition—a hectic yet fulfilling chapter. After packing away the remnants of days filled with engagement and artistry, I returned home with a mix of fatigue and satisfaction. Despite the exhaustion, my commitment to capturing a new image every day of this year drove me to venture out once more, seeking that unique frame to fulfill the day's promise.

Rediscovering the Familiar

In the quiet post-exhibition solitude, I found myself drawn to the familiar landscapes around my home. The drone, my companion in capturing these vistas from above, lifted into the air, providing me with a fresh perspective of the land I know so well.

The Perfect Light

As I maneuverer the drone across the landscape, the setting sun cast a perfect glow that highlighted a grand gum tree standing prominently in the field. The warm light accentuated the rugged texture of the tree's trunk and the vibrant green of the surrounding foliage, transforming an everyday scene into a spectacle of natural beauty.

The Tree as a Symbol

This gum tree, with its expansive canopy and sturdy form, seemed to embody resilience and permanence, qualities that resonated deeply with me on this day of endings and reflections. It stood as a sentinel over the land, a reminder of the enduring beauty of the natural world, regardless of the day's labours or achievements.

Conclusion of the Day

The image captured today was more than just a visual record; it was a moment of connection with the environment—a pause to appreciate the serenity that nature offers even on the most demanding days. This project, a daily commitment to photography, continues to teach me to look beyond the immediate, to find beauty and tranquillity in the familiar, and to capture it with gratitude and awe.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, I was reminded that each day offers its unique scenes and moods, and each photograph a new narrative of my journey through the year.


Day 235 of 366: A Close Encounter with Spring's First Bloom


Day 233 of 366: Capturing the Serenity: Moonset at Dawn