Day 229 of 366: Aerial Views at Surf Beach, Kiama

Capturing the Quiet Beauty of the Shoreline

Sometimes, the best photographic opportunities come from the simplest scenes. Today’s journey took me to Surf Beach in Kiama, a spot I’ve visited many times, each visit offering its own unique charm. The afternoon light wasn't promising, with the sky cloaked in a blanket of uniform clouds that filtered out the vibrant sunset colours I usually chase. However, this didn’t deter my mission to capture the day’s beauty.

The Decision to Launch

Despite the lacklustre lighting, I decided it was the perfect moment to utilize my drone. The perspective from above can transform even the most ordinary scenes into art, revealing patterns and interactions at play between nature's elements that are invisible from the ground.

The Dance of Water and Sand

From above, the waters of Surf Beach painted a stunning picture against the sandy backdrop. The surf rolled in rhythmic waves, creating frothy white lines that contrasted sharply with the turquoise of the shallow water and the deeper blue of the sea beyond. This dance of the waves, coupled with the untouched sand of the beach, highlighted a serene interaction between water and land.

A Study in Simplicity

What struck me most was the simplicity of the scene—a straightforward, unembellished snapshot of nature in motion. The drone’s camera captured the essence of tranquillity that the beach exuded, a calmness that could soothe any soul looking down from above.

Today was a reminder that beauty doesn’t always shout; sometimes, it whispers through the soft crash of waves and the gentle embrace of the shore. These moments, simple yet profound, are what I aim to share through my lens, hoping to convey the peace that nature offers to those who take the time to observe.

This shot from Surf Beach may not have the dramatic flair of sunsets or the vibrant hues of a bustling beach day, but it holds the essence of what it means to find beauty in the mundane, to appreciate the quiet moments just as much as the spectacular ones.


Day 230 of 366: Serene Sunset at Gerroa


Day 228 of 366: Evening's Embrace at Saddleback Mountain