Day 198 of 366: Monochrome Moods and the Essence of Cattle

A Moment of Simplicity

On a frosty day that left the skies clear and the air crisp, my focus turned to the creatures that grace our farm daily—the cows. Known for their calm demeaner, today was about capturing that tranquillity. The house paddock, bathed in the weak winter sun, provided a perfect backdrop for a portrait session right at our doorstep.

Capturing the Gaze

Equipped with a long lens, my goal was to home in on the subtle yet expressive eyes of our cows. These animals, often just part of the background in the bustling farm life, have a serene beauty that is captivating when looked at up close. Their eyes, especially, are windows to their gentle souls, and today, they were my subjects.

The Art of Editing

After the shoot, as I sifted through the images, one particular shot caught my attention—a close-up of a cow’s eye, framed by its fur. The decision to transform the image into a striking black and white photograph was instinctive, emphasizing the light and shadows that play across its features, enhancing the simplicity and the raw beauty of the subject.

Why This Shot?

This chosen image stands out not just for its aesthetic but for what it represents—the essence of life on the farm, stripped of colour yet full of emotion and depth. The monochrome tones strip away the distractions, focusing purely on the form and the emotion conveyed by the cow’s gaze.

Reflections on the Day

Today wasn’t about grand landscapes or vibrant colours. It was about appreciating the beauty in everyday farm life, finding art in the ordinary. As this 366-day journey progresses, it continues to teach me to see beyond the obvious and explore the deeper narratives waiting to be told through my lens. Each photograph is a step further into understanding the delicate balance between nature and the art of photography.


Day 199 of 366: Timelessness Captured at Boat Harbour


Day 197 of 366: Kiama's Dramatic Bombie and Unexpected Wildlife